If you are having any issues placing an order, with an existing order feel free to call or email so that we can resolve any issue as quickly as possible. If you desire a return phone call it may take us 1-3 business days to return your phone call (email is the best option for a fast response).
If you encounter any technical issues with our site please let us know ASAP!
We always answer the phone when we are in the office. We do travel often to procure autographs in-person. Please leave a message if we are not around and we will return your call. We will do our best to respond to all email and voice mail within 24-48 hours.
Be sure to add our domain worldofautographs.com to your approved or safe email senders list or our reply may end up blocked as SPAM.
We do not offer wholesale at this time.
NO SOLICITATION! - I'm sorry to have to write this, but if you solicit us you will be ignored and your service will NEVER be considered. Don't worry, if we need your service and you are the best in your field, we will find you.
Hours vary.
If you have autographs to sell us, feel free to contact us via this form. However you must adhere to the following:
- DO NOT CALL us to offer your collection. Our
phone is for sales and service only. We will not return your call. Sorry
to seem rude, but if we didn't have this rule we would be on the phone
- The item(s) you are offering must have a good history,
preferably, you obtained them in-person or they are certified by
PSA/DNA, JSA, ACOA or BAS. If you just randomly purchased them from ebay,
ioffer, Tias, Bonanza, Etsy or some other website you most likely
purchased a forgery and would be wasting both your time and ours
offering them to us.
- In your email, YOU MUST give a complete description of what you
have to sell and how much money you are seeking for each item and the
best way, day and times to contact you.